11921 Active Tenders For CIS Region


Tenders From Armenia

The greatest economic potential for the Armenia country in the near future is tourism. The reforms of Armenia economy include sharpening competition through structural and institutional reforms, creating competitive conditions for economic activity and job creation, improving financial intermediation, fostering innovation, and integrating international services and factor markets. There is huge business potential for Armenia Tenders, Tenders from Armenia, Armenia Government Tenders, Armenia Bid Invitations, and Armenia Contracts.

Tenders from Armenia listed below:

Total No Of Tenders - 347
Countries Date Summary Deadline
1. Armenia 04-03-2025 Development Of Fiscal Policy To Mitigate Climate Change In Armenia 14-03-2025
2. Armenia 04-03-2025 Supply, Delivery And Installation Of Turnkey Solar Systems In Syunik And Tavush 21-03-2025
3. Armenia 04-03-2025 Supply Of Pipes, Valves, Fittings, And Other Materials 12-03-2025
4. Armenia 03-03-2025 Actionable Recommendations For Sustainable Investment In Energy Efficiency 24-03-2025
5. Armenia 03-03-2025 Supply, Delivery And Installation Of Turnkey Solar Systems In Syunik And Tavush 21-03-2025
6. Armenia 03-03-2025 Supply Of Pipes, Valves, Fittings, And Other Materials 12-03-2025
7. Armenia 01-03-2025 Procedure For Acquiring Medical Products For Nork Marash Mc Cjsc Name-echr-25/51 06-03-2025
8. Armenia 01-03-2025 Procurement Of Services For Conducting An Expert Examination Of Design And Estimate Documents And Providing An Opinion For The Needs Of The Gavar Municipality 04-03-2025
9. Armenia 01-03-2025 Detailed Engineering Design: Adjustment Of Sasunik Secondary School In The Area Of Voskehat Secondary School In Armavir Region And Author’s Supervision Conduction During The Construction 18-03-2025
10. Armenia 28-02-2025 Acquisition Of Distillation Apparatus For Natures After Rubik Harutyunyan Cjsc 03-03-2025
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