
11921 Active Tenders For CIS Region


Tenders From Banking, Finance, Insurance And Securities (BFIS)

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Total No Of Tenders - 1704
Country Date Summary Deadline
1. Kazakhstan 04-03-2025 Accident Insurance Services 05-03-2025
2. Kazakhstan 04-03-2025 According To The Technical Specifications 06-03-2025
3. Kazakhstan 04-03-2025 Acquisition Of Insurance Services 05-03-2025
4. Kazakhstan 04-03-2025 Car Insurance Services 12-03-2025
5. Kazakhstan 04-03-2025 According To The Technical Specifications 05-03-2025
6. Kazakhstan 04-03-2025 According To The Technical Specifications 06-03-2025
7. Kazakhstan 04-03-2025 According To The Technical Specifications 05-03-2025
8. Kazakhstan 04-03-2025 According To The Technical Specifications 06-03-2025
9. Pakistan 04-03-2025 Data Loss Prevention And Data Tagging etc... 19-03-2025
10. Pakistan 04-03-2025 Appointment Of External Auditors etc.. 14-03-2025
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