11921 Active Tenders For CIS Region


Tenders From Belarus

The economy of is Belarus highly industrialized and largely dependent on the import of energy and raw materials. Trade, services, and the industrial sector are the main sources of economic development.There are huge untapped Business Opportunities in the Belarus. There are huge demand for Tenders from Belarus, Belarus Tenders, Belarus Tender Notices online, Belarus Tender notification, Belarus Global Tender Bidding, Tender Notices, Belarus Public Tender Notices, Invitation for Bids from Belarus, Belarus International Tenders Online, Belarus ICBs around the world.

Tenders from Belarus listed below:

Total No Of Tenders - 456
Countries Date Summary Deadline
1. Belarus 04-03-2025 Reagents And Consumables To The Glucose And Lactate Analyzer Eco Twenty 06-03-2025
2. Belarus 04-03-2025 Metal Structures (frame From The Pipe) 05-03-2025
3. Belarus 04-03-2025 Reagents And Consumables For Laboratory Diagnostics 18-03-2025
4. Belarus 04-03-2025 Maintenance Of X -ray Equipment (zoe) 05-03-2025
5. Belarus 04-03-2025 Monometers Are Electrical Contact 05-03-2025
6. Belarus 04-03-2025 Inspection And Development Of A Technological Plan Of X-ray Operational In The Surgical (main) Building No. 2 Of The Healthcare Institution "4th City Clinical Hospital Named After N.e.savchenko " 05-03-2025
7. Belarus 04-03-2025 Maintenance And Repair Of Technological Equipment 06-03-2025
8. Belarus 04-03-2025 Reagents For Impetinating Proteins For Working On An Automatic System For Clinical Electrophoresis Interlab G26 10-03-2025
9. Belarus 04-03-2025 Medical Equipment (part 1) 05-03-2025
10. Belarus 04-03-2025 Brake Caliper Repair Services On Service Vehicles. 05-03-2025
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