11921 Active Tenders For CIS Region


Tenders From Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan economy centers on exports of crude oil, base metals, chemicals, food and agriculture. Kazakhstan is the biggest economy in Central Asia. There has been huge demand for Kazakhstan Tenders, Tenders from Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan international Tender Bidding, Kazakhstan Bid, Kazakhstan Bid Invitation, Kazakhstan Projects, Kazakhstan Global tenders, Kazakhstan Business opportunities, Kazakhstan Tender notification, Kazakhstan Procurement notices, Kazakhstan Government Tenders and Contracts all over the world.

Tenders from Kazakhstan listed below:

Total No Of Tenders - 29221
Countries Date Summary Deadline
1. Kazakhstan 04-03-2025 Cassetian Erasing Block Cm+6061211 For Digitaiser Agfa Cr15-x 05-03-2025
2. Kazakhstan 04-03-2025 Sewage Cleaning Services 06-03-2025
3. Kazakhstan 04-03-2025 Ai-92 Gasoline (in Coupons) 05-03-2025
4. Kazakhstan 04-03-2025 Household Goods 04-03-2025
5. Kazakhstan 04-03-2025 Acquisition Of Washing Powder 450 G Myth 04-03-2025
6. Kazakhstan 04-03-2025 Meshkotara For Anti -flowering Epreinod (green) 05-03-2025
7. Kazakhstan 04-03-2025 Purchase Of Household Goods/ 06-03-2025
8. Kazakhstan 04-03-2025 Acquisition Of Other Reserves (repeated Purchase) 04-03-2025
9. Kazakhstan 04-03-2025 Coonscript, Matte, Blue - Certificate Of Commendation 04-03-2025
10. Kazakhstan 04-03-2025 Purchase Of Household Goods 05-03-2025
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