11921 Active Tenders For CIS Region


Tenders From Latvia

Latvia is one of the growing economies in Europe. It is one of the trading center and financial hub. There has been always huge demand for Latvia Tenders, Tenders from Latvia, Latvia International Tender Bidding, Latvia Bid, Latvia Bid Invitation, Latvia Projects, Latvia Global Tenders, Latvia Business Opportunities, Latvia Tender Notification, Latvia Procurement Notices, Latvia Tender, Latvia Government Tender and Latvia Contracts.

Tenders from Latvia listed below:

Total No Of Tenders - 5273
Countries Date Summary Deadline
1. Latvia 11-03-2025 Market Research technical Maintenance Of Lifts And Emergency Service At Sjsc Latvijas Dzelzcelš objects 19-03-2025
2. Latvia 11-03-2025 Diesel Transfer Tec -1 - Tec -2 - 2025 18-03-2025
3. Latvia 11-03-2025 10kv And 0.4kv Power Grid Rebuilding, T20198, T20500, T20181 Automation In Dubulti, Jaundubulti, Jurmala, Io-252391 17-03-2025
4. Latvia 11-03-2025 New Power Supply Connection At 77a Industrial Street, Jelgava, Tn Nr. 113399242 17-03-2025
5. Latvia 11-03-2025 Automatic Calorimeter Fuel Countervailed Purchase Purchase 17-03-2025
6. Latvia 11-03-2025 Negotiation Procedure With The Publication delivery Of Individual Protection Products (gloves, Hats) Latvijas Dzelzcelš Group , Procurement Identification Number: Ldz 2025/29-spav 01-04-2025
7. Latvia 11-03-2025 Market Price Research delivery Of Cock Granules 14-03-2025
8. Latvia 11-03-2025 Daugavas Street 36, Marupe, Marupes County Application No.113895241 14-03-2025
9. Latvia 11-03-2025 T61324, Dwarfs 1, Jaunannas Parish, Aluksne County Kad.apz. 36580030299001, Nir-1777 11-03-2025
10. Latvia 11-03-2025 Putnins", Malienas Parish, Aluksne County Cad. 11-03-2025
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