11921 Active Tenders For CIS Region


Tenders From Lithuania

Lithuania has transformed itself from the old command economy to a market economy. It only has a modest deposit of natural gas and oil. Most of industries are focused on metal working, oil refining, shipbuilding, paper manufacture and machine construction. There has been always huge demand for Lithuania Tenders, Tenders from Lithuania, Lithuania International Tender Bidding, Lithuania Bid, Lithuania Bid Invitation, Lithuania Projects, Lithuania Global Tenders, Lithuania Business Opportunities, Lithuania Tender Notification, Lithuania Procurement Notices, Lithuania Tender, Lithuania Government Tender and Lithuania Contracts.

Tenders from Lithuania listed below:

Total No Of Tenders - 861
Countries Date Summary Deadline
1. Lithuania 04-03-2025 Acquisition Of School Buses In The Project increase The Availability Of Education For The Exclusion Of Exclusion For The Children Of Ignalina District 08-04-2025
2. Lithuania 04-03-2025 1449984_corput Furniture (open Contest) 07-04-2025
3. Lithuania 04-03-2025 Purchase Of Travel Organization Services (international) 02-04-2025
4. Lithuania 04-03-2025 Mml70979 Reagents And Supplementary Measures For Urine Automated Research And Analyzer Acquisition By Use (open International Purchase) 08-04-2025
5. Lithuania 04-03-2025 Translation In Writing And Orally Services 07-04-2025
6. Lithuania 04-03-2025 Dubija Street, From Tilze To Aeruosto Street, Siauliai, Preparation Of The Project And Supervision Of The Project (open Tender (international)) 10-04-2025
7. Lithuania 04-03-2025 Accessories For Operating Tables 08-04-2025
8. Lithuania 04-03-2025 Passenger Car Utena Eldership Financial Lease (leasing) 07-04-2025
9. Lithuania 04-03-2025 New Electric Buses 28-03-2025
10. Lithuania 04-03-2025 New Electric Buses 28-03-2025
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