11921 Active Tenders For CIS Region


Tenders From Pakistan

Despite formidable problems, Pakistan achieved rapid economic expansion. Pakistan, an impoverished and underdeveloped country. With the developing and growing economy of Pakistan has a huge business potential. There are Numerous Projects, Pakistan Tender, Tender Notification, Public Procurements, Online Tenders, Business Proposals, International bidding Offer, Bid Invitation and Pakistan Government Tenders afloat all over the world.

Tenders from Pakistan listed below:

Total No Of Tenders - 2165
Countries Date Summary Deadline
1. Pakistan 07-06-2018 Supply Of Library Section Make Over And Cable Fitting And Desktop Computers. 02-07-2108
2. Pakistan 12-12-2019 Rental Office Space 30-12-2029
3. Pakistan 26-04-2024 Hiring An Event Management Services Firm For The Month Of Sep-2024 At Karachi 20-05-2025
4. Pakistan 26-04-2024 Procurement Of Radiography System For Kpt Hospital 14-05-2025
5. Pakistan 31-08-2024 Procurement of 500kV. 220kV and 132kV Circuit Breakers for NTDC Substations 27-02-2025
6. Pakistan 31-08-2024 Procurement of goods for operation and maintenance of NTDC assets to reduce the substations breakouts 27-02-2025
7. Pakistan 31-08-2024 Procurement of Plant - design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 220kV transmission line for looping in/out of the proposed Hala Road Jamshoro 220kV s/c transmission line at Mirpur Khas New 27-02-2025
8. Pakistan 31-08-2024 Procurement of Plant - design, manufacture, supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 220kV double circuit transmission line for looping in/out one circuit of the existing Jamshoro T.M. Khan 220kV D/C T/L at Hala Road 220kV Substation 27-02-2025
9. Pakistan 31-08-2024 Procurement of 450 MVA 500/220kV Dadu, 500kV New Multan (two banks), 500kV Rawat 27-02-2025
10. Pakistan 31-08-2024 Procurement of Transmission Line Material for Grid Stations (i) 220kV Dharki to Rahim Yar Khan T/L, (ii) 220kV Rahim Khar to Bahawalpur T/L, (iii) 220kV Sheikh Muhammadi to Jamrud T/L 27-02-2025
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