11921 Active Tenders For CIS Region


Tenders From Pakistan

Despite formidable problems, Pakistan achieved rapid economic expansion. Pakistan, an impoverished and underdeveloped country. With the developing and growing economy of Pakistan has a huge business potential. There are Numerous Projects, Pakistan Tender, Tender Notification, Public Procurements, Online Tenders, Business Proposals, International bidding Offer, Bid Invitation and Pakistan Government Tenders afloat all over the world.

Tenders from Pakistan listed below:

Total No Of Tenders - 2045
Countries Date Summary Deadline
111. Pakistan 10-03-2025 Services Required 24-03-2025
112. Pakistan 10-03-2025 Misc Items/ Works 24-03-2025
113. Pakistan 10-03-2025 Bricks 24-03-2025
114. Pakistan 10-03-2025 Tyres 22-03-2025
115. Pakistan 10-03-2025 Furniture/fixture 20-03-2025
116. Pakistan 10-03-2025 Civil Material 25-03-2025
117. Pakistan 10-03-2025 Sand Lawrancepur 25-03-2025
118. Pakistan 10-03-2025 Stationery 17-03-2025
119. Pakistan 10-03-2025 Auction Of Vehicles 24-03-2025
120. Pakistan 10-03-2025 Cement Opc Fresh 24-03-2025
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