11921 Active Tenders For CIS Region


Tenders From Russia

The economy of Russia is the eleventh largest economy in the world by nominal value and the sixth largest by purchasing power parity (PPP).Stable economic growth of Russia resumed in late 2009 and 2010. Despite the deep but brief recession, the economy has not been as seriously affected by the global financial crisis. Stable and steady growth of Russia has created huge business projects world wide. There are numerous Russian Tenders, Tender Notification, Public Tender Notices, Public Procurements, Online Tenders, Bid Invitation, International Bid Offers, Business Proposals, Contracts and Russian Government Tenders afloat all over world.

Tenders from Russia listed below:

Total No Of Tenders - 7321
Countries Date Summary Deadline
41. Russia 13-03-2025 Oil Product Analyzer On Request 3020 20-03-2025
42. Russia 13-03-2025 Tender Are Invited For Routine And Major Repairs Of Compressors For Ooo Tatburneft (long-term Contract) 20-03-2025
43. Russia 13-03-2025 Tender Are Invited For Anti-tick Treatment 25-03-2025
44. Russia 13-03-2025 Fire Escape Inspection 20-03-2025
45. Russia 13-03-2025 Carrying Out Work On The Disposal Of Drilling Waste With Subsequent Reclamation Of Temporary Accumulation Sites Of Drilling Waste 20-03-2025
46. Russia 13-03-2025 Supply Tablet Pc Again 21-03-2025
47. Russia 13-03-2025 Supply Of Diagnostic Reagent Kits For Comprehensive Testing Of Donor Blood And Its Components 25-03-2025
48. Russia 13-03-2025 Voltage Converter, Hygrometer, Thermal Imager 21-03-2025
49. Russia 13-03-2025 Market Analysis For The Supply Of Flame Detector And Flame Photo Sensor Under The Price List Agreement 2025 18-03-2025
50. Russia 13-03-2025 Tender Are Invited For Supply Of Gas Analyzer 19-03-2025
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