11921 Active Tenders For CIS Region


Tenders From Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan economy is in transition phase from a command to a free market economy. The Economy of is predominantly agricultural. Turkmenistan ranks fourth in the world to Russia, the United States, and Canada in natural gas and oil extraction. Turkmenistan is a great source of Tenders, Tender Notification, Public Procurements, Bid Invitation, Tenders Online, Proposals, Bid Offer, Contracts, ICBs, Public Tender Notices and Turkmenistan government tenders all over world.

Tenders from Turkmenistan listed below:

Total No Of Tenders - 40
Countries Date Summary Deadline
1. Turkmenistan 04-03-2025 Turkmen Ministry Of Healthcare And Medical Industry Announces International Tender For The Procurement Of Reagents 02-04-2025
2. Turkmenistan 03-03-2025 Writer And Editor 04-03-2025
3. Turkmenistan 03-03-2025  prequalification For An International Tender On Scada System Implementation 08-04-2025
4. Turkmenistan 01-03-2025 Improving Quality Of Oncology Service And Construction Of Cancer Treatment Centers 25-05-2025
5. Turkmenistan 28-02-2025 Turkmengas Announces Tender For Purchase Of General Plant Equipment 14-04-2025
6. Turkmenistan 28-02-2025 Turkmen Ministry Of Healthcare And Medical Industry Extends International Tender For Medical Equipment Procurement 31-03-2025
7. Turkmenistan 28-02-2025 Halkbank Jscb Announces Tender For The Procurement Of Modern Atms And Terminals 10-04-2025
8. Turkmenistan 28-02-2025 Marketing Survey For Tubing Repair Services 26-03-2025
9. Turkmenistan 22-02-2025 Pipe And Metal Products";, Monitoring And Measuring Equipment";, Auxiliary Materials 02-04-2025
10. Turkmenistan 22-02-2025 Cold-type Overhaul Of Production Facilities And The Procurement Of Required Spare Parts And Consumables For The "türkmenaýnaönümleri" Enterprise 01-04-2025
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